Our first steps....
During 2024, Women Together will conduct a Listening Tour. We hope to connect with women’s and girls’ groups across the country for in-depth conversations. Our goal is to understand the specific challenges, opportunities, and aspirations of women in Aotearoa, and to explore ideas for cooperative projects that will uplift, empower and nourish us as a community.
Women Together Global is coming to Aotearoa New Zealand!
Expanding our model of connection and empowerment into the Pacific, Women Together aims to work with women and girls from under-served and marginalised communities, supporting wahine collectives to develop their unique skills and strengths for their own empowerment, for the upliftment of their communities, and for the benefit of Aotearoa at large.
We aim to create opportunities for women and girls to gather around shared goals, learn new skills, advance their education, engage in peer-to-peer transfer of knowledge, and launch cooperative projects that address individual and community challenges. Through this process, we will build solidarity, social networks of support, shared wisdom, and create lasting economic and social benefits for our communities.
Join Us!
Women Together Global is looking for help with this important mahi. We welcome partnerships with organisations and individuals in Aotearoa New Zealand that share our belief in the betterment of humanity and the preservation of our planet through the empowerment of women.
We are looking for groups, organizations and individuals who would like to participate by sharing their wisdom in our 2024 Listening Tour.
We also welcome volunteers who are excited by our mission, who understand that the empowerment of women and girls is essential for the wellbeing of Aotearoa, and who are willing to contribute their time and skills.
Please CONTACT US if you're interested, and we can explore what a partnership with your organization, your engagement in the Listening Tour, or volunteering your time could look like.
Filmmaker: Trisa Taro